P.O. Box 502 Bishop: The Rt. Rev’d C. Leopold Friday
St. Vincent and the Grenadines, West Indies Chairman: Mr. Joel G. Toney
Tel: 784-456-1895 Fax: 784-456-2591 Secretary: Ms. Monica Thomas-Woodley
Magic Jack: 347-772-2366 Treasurer: Mr. Andrew Woodroffe
Email: diocesewi@vincysurf.com
We the “Friends of the Diocese of the Windward Islands” want you to know of some of the things we hope to achieve that will help to further God’s work in the Diocese.
Our Mission Statement is: “to use our overseas experiences and contacts, to support the work of the Anglican Church in the Diocese of the Windward Islands”. The Diocese comprises of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia and Grenada.
In April 2012, our Bishop the Rt. Rev’d. C. Leopold Friday, Bishop of the Windward Islands, solicited our assistance in raising much needed funds that are imperative to assist the diocese to carry out the numerous programmes which include:
·Strengthening family life in the Diocese through the Worldwide Mother’s Union Parenting Programme.
·Conducting a study to ascertain the issues and challenges in relation to the improvement of secondary education by (a) improving the quality and standards of education (b) providing a more conducive environment, for both teachers and students in our schools and (c) establishing a Diocesan policy on education.
The estimated budget for the above projects is US $50,000.00.
Additionally in 2004 and 2010, hurricanes Ivan and Tomas severely damaged some of the Churches in the Diocese. There are as well others including St. George’s Cathedral that need urgent repairs for which costs are being finalized. Please note that these are just a small number of projects; the list is not exhaustive.
By donating generously, you will be helping us to do so much more. Your support is essential to our mission of both caring for God’s people in the Diocese and making the necessary repairs.
Given that everything we do by God’s grace is possible we look forward to your support and thank you in anticipation.
Please forward your contribution to the Diocese of the Windward Islands, P. O. Box 502,
St. Vincent and the Grenadines, West Indies.
Yours in Christ.
_________________________ Mr. Joel Toney , Chairman
Please fill out and mail your Contribution to: Diocese of the Windward Island. P.O. Box 502, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, West Indies
Name _________________________ Address ____________________________________________
Phone ___________________ E-Mail ____________________________________
Enclosed is my contribution of $100.___ $50.___ $30.___ $20.___ Other $______.
“To use our overseas experiences and contacts to support the work of the Anglican Church in the Diocese of the Windward Islands.”