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This page was last updated on: January 11, 2021
Appreciations - 2005
Members in the Diaspora "Giving Back" to the community
Click on left arrow above to start and click on the square to stop the music.
Auldene Jones - Cochran, daughter of Mrs. Lorna McBarnett is one of St. Paul's very good supporters.  A staunch member of St. Paul's, she now lives in the UK.

Auldene celebrated her 50th Birthday on the 4th April, 2005 with a church service at St. Pauls for relatives and friends.

As part of her continued support to the Sunday School, she held a Garden Party at St. Paul's Rectory on the 17th April.  Fifty Sunday School children, along with three teachers and four helpers attended the party.

According to Auldene, "I wanted to share, with these children what I experienced as a child attending Sunday School functions on the Rectory grounds."

The children had an enjoyable time.  On behalf of thr Parish Priest, Sunday School Teachers, and the congregation, we thank Mrs Auldene Jones-Cochran and her family for the wonderful gesture.
Appreciations - 2005
Members in the Diaspora "Giving Back" to the community
Sandra Bramble is another person who does her share of "giving back."  Each year she returns home from the U.S. during the Christmas season, bringing barrels of food and clothing, which she distributes to the needy of the parish.  In addition, she hosts a Christmas party for the children in the community
We cannot forget Roland Naido, husband of our own Gail (formally Huggins) who celebrated his 60th Birthday here in February, with a church service at St. Paul's, followed by a luncheon for the aged in the community.  He stated that this is a tradition of his family in Trinidad.  The couple lives in the U.S.
We wish all these thoughtful and charitable members continued success and God's richest blessings.
We wish Fr. Regisford and Parishioners a very happy celebration on his third anniversary as Rector of St. Paul's, Calliaqua and St. John's, Belair.

We are especially appreciative of your prayers and support at times when we need it most, during sickness and despondency in our family circle and indeed in our whole community of worshippers.  Thank you and have a happy anniversary.

Randolph and Ivy Bynoe
A Blessing 
by Elsa (Stephens) Jones

May the grace of God be always with you
His compassion and love be with you too
May he guide and propel the rest of your life,
And keep you free and far from Strife.
May your life be filled with light like the sun
Laughter and mirth and all kinds of fun.
Remember to seek the God of love,
Keep Jesus in your heart, not above.
Celebrate your coming down on earth,
Remember, he had a fleshly birth
To be with us on our turf,
Then bore the brunt of all sins on earth.
Alleluia! Let us sing and rejoice,
For He has given us the choice,
To call Him Redeemer and Big Brother.
Because like Him there is no other!
No, Not ever!
Happy Birthday to You!!
21st December 2016 - Anniversary of Ordination Fr. E. Ulric C-Jones, 40th Anniversary to the Diaconate.

Ordination Fr. E. Ulric C-Jones
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